Five Elements Diet Adjustment

At the Fusen Purifying Ecological Wellness Village, we offer a specialized course in Five Elements Diet Adjustment. Through the diet adjustment, nourishment adjustment, body adjustment, and mind adjustment, we utilize ancient concepts such as "food and medicine sharing the same origin" recorded in the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, which also states that "the superior physician treats before illness arises." By integrating the concept of health promotion with the latest medical knowledge and employing the four methods as one, we enable the body to undergo repair.

We redefine the relationship between lifestyle and health, inspiring us to establish a joyful and sustainable relationship with every aspect of life. This not only benefits others and ourselves but also contributes to the well-being of the Earth. Together, we witness the ultimate value of Eastern body perception—introspection, bodily flexibility, and harmony.

Diet Adjustment

Diet Adjustment

The Five Elements Diet Adjustment introduces the healing methods of traditional Chinese medicine's Five Elements diet. During the diet adjustment period, meals will consist of original plant-based foods, herbal teas, medicinal soups, and more. The meals provided are made from fresh, seasonal, and locally sourced ingredients, meticulously prepared by professional vegetarian chefs. Through this process, we promote metabolism, enhance immunity, prolong youthfulness, delay aging, and restore physiological functions and the body's organ resilience, promoting recovery and healing.

Nourishment Adjustment

During the diet adjustment period, a professional team of Eastern and Western health care specialists will employ traditional health care methods from both cultures, such as acupoint guidance and muscle and vein massage. All nourishment adjustments are achieved through natural methods, promoting self-healing to improve any bodily imbalances. We believe that once the body regains balance, its self-healing ability will function normally, just as all things in the universe maintain balance through mutual generation and restraint, ensuring continuous growth.

Nourishment Adjustment
Body Adjustment

Body Adjustment

Throughout the course, participants will engage in light sweating exercises to activate the body's joints and gradually exercise various parts of the body through traditional health care techniques such as central axis Tai Chi, muscle alignment, and acupoint massage. The training emphasizes using "intention" rather than force. The brain is the central command of the body, so when intentions are generated, the muscles and spine structure of the body will begin to change internally. Therefore, during training, focus on joyful thoughts, as the energy absorbed will nourish the body, achieving the health value of Eastern body perception—"bodily flexibility and harmony, inner and outer peace."

Mind Adjustment

Throughout the course, maintaining a "broad and pure mind" is essential—keeping the mind relaxed, joyful, and pure. This is achieved through ecological tours in the park (which houses over a hundred species of ferns and wild animals such as muntjacs, Formosan macaques, wild boars, masked palm civets, Taiwan blue magpies, etc.) and artistic performances (such as drums, singing bowls, ethereal drums, etc.). By observing activities such as walking, sitting, eating, and working with mindfulness, participants can elevate their focus, improve emotional regulation, alter self-perception, and enhance immunity. When the autonomic nervous system is balanced, the body and mind naturally achieve clarity of mind.

Mind Adjustment